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Let's Get Muddy


Muddy Mugs

Do you love biking?  Drinking things out of ceramic mugs? Supporting small business and an artist who works really hard?  Get a grip on these Muddy Mugs before your next morning ride.  High-fired and freshly run over with a bike tire, these mugs are built with a hearty  handle and are both dishwasher and microwave safe.  Specially created for Harris Hill Extension's group of mountain bikers in Western New York, $5 of the purchase price will go directly to the trail's maintenance - which is all volunteer powered!


Spinning Spring

Bring out the leafy green friends and settle them into a new, handcrafted home.  Planters and vases are an excellent way to bring bio-vibes into small apartments or offices.  Sizes range from 2 inch succulent pots to 6 inch vases and can come with or without plant friends.  Succulent and cactus plants are purchased from a small business in Spokane, WA to support the local community.

One of the goals of Throw. pieces is to create unique pots that fill a purpose.  By coupling my creations with a cause, I endeavor to connect the patron with another community, another need.  Not only do the causes supported relate to the subject matter, hopefully they will remind you of the small and significant ways you can impact another community while you sip from your mug or enjoy your plant.  Another goal is to give my supporters something that feels good in the hand, that you want to touch and use on the daily, and have a bit of pride that you have something that no one else has in your kitchen cupboard.

Thrown ceramic pieces are one of a kind, unique, and microwave/dishwasher safe*.  Quantities and glaze options can be limited depending on artist location and availability.  Online store is currently a work in progress.  Please contact the artist directly for purchasing options or commission requests.


*unless otherwise stated

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